Trials In Tainted Space Amazon Treatment

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  2. Trials In Tainted Space Amazon Treatment Center
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76,127140,5154 years ago
Name / TitleAddedExpiresHitsSyntax
Trials in Tainted Space - Advanced Herm Sexbot Vic...Oct 26th, 2019 Never4,166None -
Corruption of Champions: Tamani's Daughters B...Aug 2nd, 2018 Never3,136None -
Corruption of Champions: Tamani's Daughters B...Aug 2nd, 2018 Never4,244None -
Corruption of Champions: Losing to Tamani and Daug...Aug 2nd, 2018 Never2,630None -
Corruption of Champions: Losing to Tamani and Daug...Aug 2nd, 2018 Never2,042None -
Corruption of Champions: Losing to Tamani's D...May 22nd, 2018 Never2,083None -
Trials in Tainted Space: Angel DreamJan 15th, 2018 Never4,165None -
Trials in Tainted Space: Doctor Badger Bad EndSep 10th, 2017 Never9,701None -
Trials in Tainted Space: Tam-Tam Bad EndSep 10th, 2017 Never11,073None -
Corruption of Champions Night AmbushSep 5th, 2017 Never4,228None -
Trials in Tainted Space: Buttslutinator Part 3Aug 10th, 2017 Never6,873None -
Trials in Tainted Space: Buttslutinator Part 2Aug 10th, 2017 Never5,282None -
Corruption of Champions Eager Kelt SubmissionJun 22nd, 2017 Never5,774None -
Corruption of Champions Bazaar TentJun 14th, 2017 Never3,518None -
Corruption of Champions Demonic Centaur Bad EndMay 6th, 2017 Never10,707None -
Corruption of Champions Alpha Izma Bad EndMay 6th, 2017 Never6,450None -
Corruption of Champions Scylla EncountersMay 5th, 2017 Never2,394None -
Corruption of Champions Salon Impregnation Lynnett...May 3rd, 2017 Never4,121None -
Corruption of Champions Secretarial Succubus Bad E...May 3rd, 2017 Never5,456None -
Corruption of Champions Minotaur Bad EndFeb 3rd, 2017 Never12,820None -
Corruption of Champions Minotaur ThroatfuckFeb 3rd, 2017 Never3,575None -
Corruption of Champions Minotaur Cum Addict SalonFeb 3rd, 2017 Never6,208None -
Corruption of Champions Minotaur DreamFeb 3rd, 2017 Never3,879None -
Corruption of Champions Lethice Bad EndJan 28th, 2017 Never16,096None -

Amazon Score; Condition Score Note: Amazon score is only counted if PC has a vagina: Tallness at 7' or more +1 Muscle tone 75 or more +1 Thickness 25 or more +1 Has 'Energizing Libido/Snu-Snu Queen' Perk; or 'Amazonian Endurance' +2 Muscle tone less than 75 -2. Forces the Treatment for Amazon effects. Trials in Tainted Space Amazon Code. In Trials in Tainted Space, the code for amazon is: amazon.

I just finished going through the normal breast enlargement transformations and tweaking them to match the mentality of a Treated amazon where necessary. I’ve also gone through some various other transformations – some poached from the bull Treatment and some from the cow-girl and adjusted them accordingly. Here’s my breakdown at present. I’d like to start shucking some of this into code tomorrow (since I will be ditching town for a few days starting Friday).

Amazon Treatment Effects ([*] indicates text is finished):


Cheat List - Trials In Tainted Space Wiki

  • [*]Mental transformation that emphasizes a domineering attitude in regards to sex alongside an enhanced libido.
  • [*]Breast growth to a larger minimum than standard cow-girl (but with a lower maximum).
  • [*]50% chance of inducing lactation and giving the Treated Milk perk (though no buffs to Milk Capacity).
  • [*]Height & Muscle Tone gains.
  • [*]Grow vagina if none & vaginal elasticity boost.
  • [*] Low chance of creating a penis.
  • Moderate chance of transforming existing penis, ala the male transformation
  • Slight growth of existing penises.
  • Big ol’ Horns
  • Cow tail, ears, and hooves (somewhat randomized).
  • Amazonian Endurance perk (no energy lost from orgasm).
  • Slight facial feminization if masculine in facial appearance

Since it shares so much with many of the existing male and female transformations, I’m able to re-use a lot of text. Aside from the few new options still needing hashed out, this should go quick from this point forward.

Trials In Tainted Space Amazon Treatment Center

